Day 7 – The Road to Recovery
I can still see my son’s 8 year old face on the screen as we looked at each other on video chat. Because I was still on a ventilator and couldn’t talk, and because he was still learning to talk again, all we could do was look at each other. I remember hearing my son’s cry of fear as if he were saying “where are you?” I can remember trying to look calm and strong as I brushed my fingers across the screen (imaging I was stroking his face).
Kasen fractured his skull during the wreck, broke his femur, and experienced a stroke and other things as a result of the wreck and his recovery. During his recovery he had to learn to talk, walk, and even swallow again.
My road to true recovery began one day after I found out about the death of my wife and daughter. Unable to talk, write, or type due to the nerve damage in my hands, I was only able to sign to my nurses. I remember one nurse specifically who was able to read my sign language, luckily I learned a bit in high school (only letters). I signed to her “I want to die…” her response was immediate and shocked me back to reality.
“Daniel!” she said sternly, “what about Kasen! He needs you!” Thinking about her reminder still makes me extremely emotional. In that moment I knew I had to live. Although I knew my life would be radically different, I knew I had to go on. I had to honor my wife and daughter. I had to take care of my son. I had to live.
Although the next few years have been filled with trails during our recovery, God has been faithful. He has and continues to bring us through every moment.
I don’t know where you are today. I don’t know what pain and suffering you are experiencing. I don’t know the depth of your despair or the overwhelming hopelessness you may be facing. What I do know is that you don’t have to face a step alone. Although you may still not see it yet, God has a purpose. There is still work for you to do here.
Although you can’t see it yet, there is life after this painful trail. I promise that the sun will rise again in your life, if you will place every faith, trust, hope, and broken part of you in the hands of the God who loves you and knows you.
Today, although the pain of being without Brynleigh stays near, God has began putting the pieces back together. After recovering from the wreck, I went on to marry my high school sweet heart and she has been a joy in my life. God has given me another daughter and a new son, and together Kasen and our new family are walking where God takes us.
First remember that the road to recovery is to be taken one day at a time. Scripture reminds us that the worries of today are sufficient (Matthew 6:34). Scripture reminds us that just as God provides for the birds of the air, He will provide for us (Matthew 6:26-27).
Second Jesus encourages us if we are weary and burdened to “come” (Matthew 11:28). Jesus reminds us that this life is not the end of the story (John 11:17-41). Jesus reminds us that he is always with us (Matthew 28:20).
Today’s Prayer: Lord, thank you. Thank you for who you are. Thank you that nothing in this world can change your goodness and love. Thank you that nothing can separate us from your love through Jesus. Thank you that there will be a day where we see your face and in that place we will live free from death, pain, hunger, and all the sufferings of this world. Please fill our hearts with joy. Please help us truly heal and continue to grow with you. We love you and thank you that your going to finish the good work you’ve started in us, in Jesus name.
After every moment of suffering, every tear, every angry prayer, I have come to know the love that has been described as being “closer than a brother”. So much more than the most loving friend, God has patiently and tenderly ministered to my broken heart. He has patiently endured many nights of desperation and weeping and help me as I screamed in my despair.
As you move on from this moment, this isn’t the end of the story. Just as your grief or tragedy isn’t the end of the story, each step you take honors those you love. The sun will shine again. You will laugh again. You will love again. By the power of God’s Word and by trusting in His promises, you can find peace even if God doesn’t give you an answer for your heartbreak.
To those who have made it through this devotion, find a church where men and women love Jesus and love you. Press in to your pain and don’t hide from it. Don’t ignore it or pretend like it isn’t happening. Cry when you need to cry. Yell when you need to yell. But no matter what you do, pray and study God’s Word.
To anyone who hasn’t understood it yet, I’ll say it plainly: without the mercy and grace of Jesus I would have never left the hospital. Without God’s continued provision and kindness, I would have never survived after leaving the hospital. Without God’s tender love, I wouldn’t be sitting here over two years later married to my best friend with a daughter on the way.
Never forget: Jesus alone can restore, redeem, and rebuild. Cry out to Him now and trust that He not only hears you, but if you pray in faith and truly seek Him, you will find Him. My prayer for you today is that God would comfort and strengthen you. God bless you continually and always.