There are some moments in life where life can come crashing down on us. Where our picture perfect lives and the daily routines come to a screeching halt. Where the unthinkable sneaks up on us from behind and changes our lives in an instant. For me this moment was March 11th 2017.

Today marks the 3rd anniversary of a car wreck that literally had my life crashing down around me. Through the screeching sounds of breaks, breaking glass, air bags being deployed (all sounds I don’t remember), every illusion I had was shattered that day. In an instant, my little girl Brynleigh left this life for the next and my wife, my son, and I stepped in to a nightmare we never expected.

Even three years later the pain is fresh. As I look at images and videos from the wreck, I still struggle to believe this is all real. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the wreck, I encourage you to watch a video I prepared called Cupcakes and Rainbows or you can read a seven day devotion I wrote called Cupcakes and Rainbows: Life After Tragedy.

On this anniversary of the wreck I feel like it would be a betrayal not to honor the memory of my late wife Cassie and my beloved daughter Brynleigh not to remember that day, to celebrate their life, and to use their tragic death as an opportunity to share these truths: life is short. Life is unexpected. Life is fragile. Sometimes our routine lives can lay shattered in ruins around us and no matter how loud we scream, how desperately we beg, or how broken our hearts, we don’t get a redo. 

Today as I write this blog post, I am comforted by the fact that God is still good. I have confidence I will see my daughter again, and hope that I will see my late wife Cassie again. Jesus tells us in Scripture that in this life we will have tribulation (John 16:33) but tells us to rejoice because He has overcome this world. I am thankful that this life is not the end of my story. It isn’t the end of Brynleigh or Cassie’s story either.

I would give anything to rewind the clock to March 10th 2017 and spend one more day with them both. I can’t go back but what I can do, what I must do, is share the truth: today may be your last day too. If today was your last day, what do you wish you would have done in life? Do it. Who do you wish you would have forgiven or made amends with? Forgive them. What do you wish you would have said to your spouse or your children? Tell them.

Scripture warns us that this life is like a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow (James 4:14). Stop waiting to make it right until tomorrow, do it now. Tomorrow may never come. Speaking of no more tomorrows… if you died right now, are you prepared to stand before God? Some of you may say “there is no God”… are you sure? Most of us won’t even buy something cheap on Amazon without reading the review… but you aren’t even exploring if there is a God or not?

Had I died on March 11th 2017 along with my beloved wife and daughter, we would have all 3 entered in to God’s presence together. Scripture tells us that God loves each one of us and gave His only Son Jesus so we could be forgiven and free (John 3:16). My greatest desire for you is not to remember my name, not to remember my story, but to know a God who loves you and gave everything so you could be forgiven and free.

To all my friends, family, and brothers and sisters in Christ who have supported us, prayed for us, and walked through this nightmare with us, thank you. Keep Cassie and Brynleigh’s memories alive by speaking of them and thinking of them often. To Cassie and Brynleigh, I love you more than I ever knew possible, I’m so sorry I didn’t realize the depth of that love until you were taken from me. Kasen and I both love you, we will see you again soon.