Today my 12 year old son Kasen asked me how I know the Bible is the Word of God. There is something quite special about deep theological discussions over breakfast before school. Maybe today if you are being honest you have the same question: is the Bible really the Word of God? I mean… after all it was written by men, can I trust it?
Before we explore the miracle of the Bible, I want to share a very serious note… if you have doubts, God already knows. Instead of hiding those doubts and fears, pray about them. Share them with God. Seek His guidance, wisdom, peace, and teaching on the truth about the Scripture. Don’t let those doubts drive you to a place of shame or guilt and certainly don’t hide or ignore them. You aren’t the first person to ever question God about the Bible (spoiler alert: you won’t be the last). God is big enough and loving enough to patiently and tenderly help you walk through those doubts as He helps grow your faith.
Before we can really explore a solid answer to Kasen (and your) question, we need to understand the Bible. So often I hear people say: “it’s just a book”. Actually the Bible is a collection of 66 books. These 66 books where written over 1500 years on three different continents in three different languages by 42 different men. These men ranged from the kings to fishermen. The collection of authors also included a tax collector, a doctor, prophets, priests, and even a civil engineer.
Now that we’ve established that the Bible isn’t “just a book”, the next thing we need to ask is: can we trust the Scriptures? Isn’t the Bible full of contradictions and inaccuracies? The truth is that from Genesis (the very first Book of the Bible) to Revelation (the very last Book) the story of God’s plan for mankind is clearly revealed. All those contradictions? When pressed most people have no idea where these world shattering opposites are found (hint: that’s because they aren’t there).
I find it fascinating that so many men and women who have set out to debunk Christianity have themselves ended up bowing their knee to Jesus. From ancient examples like Saul of Tarsus who became the Apostle Paul (see the Book of Acts) to modern examples like an investigative journalist who wrote “The Case for Christ”. One of my real favorites is about one of my favorite speakers Nabeel Qureshi who wrote “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus”. History is replete with men and women of all walks of life who have sought to destroy Christianity once and for all… so many ended up trusting in Jesus themselves.
I find it fascinating that so many are so quick to dismiss the Bible and God outright without ever searching out the facts for themselves. They believe because their mom or dad told them, a professor, their spouse, a trusted and educated person. Over and over again people regurgitate all they’ve been told without ever really researching, studying, or honestly seeking God themselves.
“Only hillbillies and the uneducated believe in Jesus.” Its funny when people make statements like that without any facts. The fact is that some of the most educated men and women in the world, the most brilliant among us, all have reached the same conclusion: Jesus is exactly who He claimed to be (God) and the Bible is exactly what I’m telling you (the God breathed Scriptures that teach us everything we need to know about life, faith, and practice as God’s beloved creation – 2 Timothy 3:16-17).
So one last thought about the Bible… take 66 other books from any library and try to create a cohesive story that doesn’t contradict itself and I’ll start considering whether the Bible is a fake and not the divine Word of God. There is a catch… your 66 books have to:
- Be written by 42 different authors
- Be written over the course of 1500 years
- Be written originally in 3 different languages
- Be written on 3 different continents
- Be written by authors who didn’t know each other and didn’t have the other writings to reference
After you spend some time thinking about that prospect, just admit it… it isn’t possible. If it isn’t possible (and it isn’t) then even if you don’t attribute the Bible to be the divinely inspired Word of God, you have to begin exploring the truth that this is a special Book. There are literally tens of thousands of videos, articles, research papers and more about the Bible… maybe its time to stop taking someone else’s word for it and start investigating the truth yourself.
Some resources to get started: