A Lamp for My Feet

When the Psalmist says that the Word of God is a “lamp for my feet”, he is indicating that the Word of God lights each step before us. God doesn’t promise to reveal every step of the plan to us but we can trust Him, He is faithful, and He will see it through to completion (Philippians 1:6). Is the Word of God guiding your life?
How can I be a spouse that honors God? How can I be the parent my kids deserve? How can I be the servant that Jesus has called me to be? How should I interact with my friends, family, and the world? All Scripture is God breathed and given so that as servants of God we can be equipped for every good work. The Scripture is given for teaching, correcting, and rebuking (2 Timothy 3:16-17). All the self help books and philosophical platitudes in the world are powerless to be who God is calling you to be apart from His Word.
My prayer for us today is we would learn to search the Scripture and prayerfully seek God’s will for our lives. Its time for us to get back to the basics, keep it simple, and walk in Christ honoring love. Let the love of Jesus infiltrate every part of your life, every relationship, every thought and trust the Holy Spirit to guide, empower, and equip.

Cry Out to the Lord

Can I be honest for a moment? There are moments I deeply struggle to trust the Lord and keep the faith. Though Jesus has been faithful and unfailing in His love, the old me still screams into every situation that I can’t trust Him. So even though I realize only God can do what I’m powerless to do, I turn everywhere else first before confessing only He can.


Today what I believe Scripture teaches is God wants us to honestly and humbly come to Him. Bring every doubt, every fear, every frustration, every crisis, every failure and seek His healing and restoration. Come to Him weary and burdened, but don’t stay that way (Matthew 11:28). When we come we will find true rest, mercy and grace to help in every time of need.

God Will Never Leave You

As the sun sets on another day, I know nights can be hard and lonley. I can remember night after night as a 15 year old praying the same prayer: God please don’t abandon me like my dad did. Years before I surrendered my life to God I struggled with an important truth: God my Father in heaven has a perfect, unfailing, faithful love for me.


Tonight maybe someone you love has abandoned you. Maybe someone made a promise and broke it and your heart in the process. No matter who has failed you, left you, or abandoned you, God never will. In fact, nothing and no one in all creation will ever separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38-39).