What’s new?

God is still on the move here at My Emanuel and we are excited about all He is doing! Although updates and changes may not always be apparent, we wanted to share some of these changes and updates with you.

In addition to these major updates, we’ve updated our picture scripture gallery. You can browse over 400 images that can be used to inspire friends and family to know the Word of God more by sharing on social media. You can bookmark our picture scripture gallery at https://myemanuel.com/picture-scripture/.

Please continue to be in prayer for our ministry and thank you for your support!

Peek Devotion

We are excited to announce that our first native, fully functional Android app Peek Devotion is available for download on the Play Store now.

This app is designed to refresh content every time you reload the app or when you click the refresh button with-in the app. Designed to help fill idle times throughout the day when spending checking our phones, social media, or other content.

Peek Devotion features:

  • Scripture
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Music
  • More

Cupcakes and Rainbows

This is a personal testimony about God’s grace and mercy at work in my life. In the video I recount a brief history of my life just before and after I gave my life to Jesus. I speak about some of the best moments of my life, followed by what is certainly the most tragic. I hope it blesses you and reminds you: God isn’t through with you yet.