Do you have a prayer need? We have recently updated our Prayer Wall to make it easier to both request prayer and to pray over request that are coming in from around the world. You can now visit to request prayer. Always remember that your prayers are precious to the Lord.
From My Emanuel
Our on-line ministries
My Emanuel has multiple ways to stay in touch and we are always here to pray for you, minster to you, and answer any questions we can about the Christian faith. From the very onset of our ministry we have used every resource available (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) to teach and preach the Good News of Jesus Christ. You can learn more about our different outreach ministries on our connect page and we encourage you to use the resources on our website to grow and nurture your relationship with Jesus Christ.
We encourage you to like and follow us on Facebook (, follow us on Twitter (, subscribe on YouTube (, and follow our worship play list on Spotify (
Please explore our site and remember to check out our on-line Bible tool (, our verse of the day (, and maybe even undertake one of our Bible studies ( From our devotions to our Picture Scripture this ministry is dedicated to knowing Jesus Christ and making Him know to the world.
May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you richly and continually with grace, mercy, and peace. Find rest dear friend in the finished work of Jesus Christ alone.
From My Emanuel
Happy Good Friday!
Jesus came and died for our sins so we could be forgiven and free. Jesus did not die so bad men could become good but so that dead men could live (C. S. Lewis). Please join us in rejoicing, celebrating, and honoring God and the amazing love and sacrifice He has shown. Please like us on Facebook and #LiveSent as we take the Gospel in to all the world!