As a follower of Jesus, I surrendered control of my life to my Lord. Here in His presence I experience the power to become the husband, dad, and person He created me to be. Yes there are things Jesus has called me to surrender but each time I do He shows me what I thought I needed to have life was keeping me from experiencing the abundant life He came to give me (John 10:10).


Tonight I can’t promise you that in Christ you’ll have worldly wealth, physical health, or human prosperity. What I can promise is you’ll be forgiven, free, new, and a child of God. I can promise you’ll experience a peace the passes all understanding and an unseachable love.


Long after the wealth and power have faded, Jesus is Lord. Long after the health and prosperity have slipped away, Jesus is Lord. When heaven and earth pass away, Jesus is Lord. Who (or what) is Lord of your life?